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Useful Burning Help

-Converting and Burning VCDS
-MP3 into a Music CD
-Burning .bin/.cue and ISO files


-All in One VCD GEAR


-If your DVD player doesn't support S-VCD click here.





Submit Tutorials here... All tutorials will be checked for originality.










SideFFoFF Pill                                

World Cup (Video)            



Welcome to Burning Help created by Vorobochek. This is a site to help all those people out there who bought a burner and don't know how to see it reach its full potential. I'm sure you will find anything you need on this site and if not please contact me here and I will be glad to assist you with your burning needs.

Coming Soon...

We will provide You tools and all detailed know how on how to make backups of your Dreamcast games.


-Give the burning process high priority. Do not have many programs running in the background 

-Most of your memory and resources should be free, if you keep them that way, you will avoid buffer over/underruns.

-If you don't follow these tips, you will see your wasted cds pile growing bigger and bigger each day.

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